
Testimonials & Reviews

We are truly humbled with words of encouragement and feedback from cherished customers and which lets us know we are doing things right.

Thank you very much for your excellent service.

As spoken, Pls. proceed to book with below mentioned sailing.

Best Regards,



Testimonials & Reviews

Dear  Violet:

Sorry.late reply you。Thank you so much for your team support and help.The customer is also pleased with our emergency handling,

when have new orders we’ll be kept in touch with you anytime, thank you and have a nice day!

Testimonials & Reviews

Dear Violet,

Thanks for the customer service FIRST CLASS attitude which I indeed think that you are the correct freight forwarder to work with. Well done!

Testimonials & Reviews

Dear Violet,

I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to you for the exemplary level of service to assist us with our import into USA.


Testimonials & Reviews

Hi Violet,

This is just for your information and there isn’t a time that cross my mind to replace you. We are happy with your outstanding service and we will engage you unless otherwise.

Keep it up!

Testimonials & Reviews

Hi Violet and KMS Team,

KMS Lines team has always been a great service provider to us and we are also grateful to your services for many years.

Re: feedback
We will highlight positive feedback when we encounter as we learn to grow together.

Testimonials & Reviews

Dear Violet,

There has been no better assurance then dealing with you when it comes to our shipment.

Testimonials & Reviews

Dear Violet,

May I take this opportunity to wish you all the very best in KMS Singapore.  

Dr Yap & I will give you our full support.

Testimonials & Reviews

Thanks Violet. 

You are a great and responsible business partner.

We will let you take care of our shipment and we believe that our shipment will be in good hands. 

Testimonials & Reviews

Dear Violet,

We also would like to express our great appreciation to KMS high quality service and support on our shipping needs throughout the year.

Testimonials & Reviews